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Last one - Ship's company thus reported one who left it (6) ?R?S?E
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Just can't finish it - last two: 10a [answer is a bird] Port running short (4) ?A?E 21d Lord upset over rising wickedness (6) A?O?I? [can only come up with ANOMIE but can't get it!]...
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Another broadcast to draw in viewer (10) ???E?E?T?R [The answer should be a bird if I've got the theme right!]
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Neither here nor there (2,3,4) O? T?E ?O?E - On the hole - but surely it should be 'whole'?
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Puzzle enraged grandee perhaps (7) ??????M Easily remembered despite being deceptive (6) ?????Y Goldware potentially of inferior quality (3-5) ?O?-??A?E...
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Nail found in West Yorkshire by 34 across [Ford] (4) ?R?? Lawrence has charm of an Indian washerman (5) ??O?I...
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49a - Direction of ghost train changed (8,2) S?R???H? O? - Screechy ...? 32d - Critical memo reviewed local weather (12) ?I?R?C???A?E I think my letters are correct - ta!...
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40d Power to control time completely and begin program again (9) P?I?S?A?L 47a Being submissive, is worker after medal (8) I?E???N? 48d Start to select what ice cream may be put into cake (5) ??O?E...
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In Paris she follows girl who is heard to be complaining (4) ?I?A [DIVA maybe?] His job requires him to put his arm in a sling (11) C?T?P????E? [CATAPULTEER? IER?] Priests are returning to one...
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14a To the extent one can, ultimately, likes to secure a great deal (2,2,3,2) I? A? ??? ?S 16a Offender, extremely poor, one breaking into a group (7) C?L???? 11d Press on to railway and bridge...
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Payment a conveyancing solicitor will look for? (6,3) ?E?R?H ???
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Hopefully my letters are correct - guessed a few! 29d - Profoundly trendy part of store adjoining hospital (2,5) I? D???H 37a - Narcotic drug head of police located by border (4) ?E?? 52a - If it's a...
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Dress fittings more expensive (4,2) R?G ?P - Can't choose between RIG UP and RAG UP
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40d - Artist always inserting title with two lines underneath (9) E?A?E?L?? 55a - Woman is seen at bar, getting round (5) D???S Ta!...
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Floated quietly in Slough (5) S?A?P [Can only think of SWAMP but dunno!]
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1d - Little room to fail between wings of bomber, incurring more casualties (8) ?L???I?R 10,4 - Drink and knife man where conflict once took place (4,7) ???T ?T?N?E?...
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About mid-morning creeps around with a short jacket (7) S?A?C?R Area of England once ruled by Copenhagan? (7) D?T?L?N Thanks...
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Apologies – as will become blatantly obvious, I am a bit of a technophobe. For Xmas, my son would like to be able to play PS3 games against his mates – I understand this is done via the...
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9a - Member of Air Force One featured in international story (4,5) ?E?T P?L?T [must be TEST PILOT but don't get it?] 19d - Cobblers! Thread left by fire (6) L?N??? 24a - Front page report on man of...
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British almost landed on island (4) ?A?I - Has to be Bali but can't get the almost landed bit from 'ali' ...

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