28D - Be Rendered Speechless (4,4,6) L*S* , Y*U* , T*N*U* . Wondering if it'd be Lost Your Tongue or Lose Your Tongue?? Any opinions? Thx in advance....
Last few thanks for any help. 23 DN SPIN RAPIDLY, w?a?l. 32 DN EASILY GOT AT, l?a?hable. 33 DN VULGARITY, ?u?e?c?s. 37 DN TOWN JUST NORTH OF WINDSOR, s?o?e? 42 DN COMMON HEDGEGROW BUSH, e?t?r
All I have to work with is the following sets of numbers: 3487915 3553683 3159460 15531 The solution of the puzzle should provide co-ords like these: N 39 55.287 E003 03.098. We have been working very...