Can you help Learner resides in total hovel (4) ?l?? A Golfer's warning cry at an earlier time (5) ??o?? Drag English racing toboggan (4) ?u?? Playing to vertical axis in gravity (6) T????? Many...
PM done anything at all about the Commons scandal, he's happier posing with Beckham and Rooney while the country is asking for heads to roll. michael Martin's pathetic auti-cued apology has only...
77 d) Irish setter (7letters) g.r.i.s 71 d) One such as 77 down (above) might be made to curb vice trails (14 letters) c.u.i.e..a.i.t Thanks in advance folks.
Anybody have get the answer to 9d ' Amateur who took hush-hush money?' (9 letters) AND last one: 16D Kim, US who won the women's 400m hurdle gold at 1995 World Championship? (6 letters) Many thanx for... 9.stm A Northumberland millionaire is selling his ?16m country estate and giving every penny of the proceeds to charity. Brian Burnie is open to offers...
Last two ,help appreciated 1) No option R???S?L 2) Plant female goes without we hear ??A? (first letter of this one is third letter of above) Thank you
Lieutenant Colonel Nick Richardson, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, said: 'We are numb with grief at this loss of a noble Marine, who served his country for the good of the Afghan people. Just read...
have made progress but now stuck again 1a huge hit band member plugs 5 ????S? 29a loyal as typical navy?8 hyphened ends ue 32a degas dispatches waffle in french gallery 6D???NS 39a make sick pieds...
Please can you help me finish 3 These need tying up 15 It wakes you up in the morning 18 Wonderland girl is shackled (Alice Cooper?) 19 Seasiders (Coasters or Katrina and the waves?) 22 It's broken 42...
Can anyone help with these quiz questions..... Well known phrase or saying - 0,....,2,3,4 Towns - Monarch's vessel Erics Town Nothing Devoured Famous General
17 o o z e (9) ?e?????t? 21 they're thrown on a set(4) ??s? 25 such a rebukeas something heard (6) ?a?f?? 27 it is a dark night without big names in the movie (8) s?a?l?s? 15 only a mild exclamation...