hi i am looking for a makeup which will cover my faceup when i blush . I blush really easily and get very hot and have red cheeks but would like to get something to try and help this any one got any...
i wanna change my hairstyle cut and colour but am a bit nervous. i've seen somewhere that it's poss to upload your own pic and try see wot ur face would like with various styles...anyone know any...
I have shoulder length curly hair which I want to leave to dry naturally but when I just wash it and let it dry with nothing on it, it frizzes. Can any of you curly girls out there tell me what you...
I have blackheads on my nose and they have been there for about 1 year now, when I was younger I never had them(I'm 21 now). I have tried those blackhead strips(ouch) and they only got a few small...