Having trouble with Google and IMDB ..don't know if it's me or the weather which is dire here ! I can't get into them. I just need two . 17a Bill.. American actor who played Will Robinson in Lost in...
Has the compiler boobed with 8 down? clue: plant's coiling threadlike climbing organ (8). I have T?N?R?L? I thought TENDRIL but it doesn't fit. Can you spell it TENDRILL? my dictionaries say not. Has...
I understand 3 of the linked words, Orange Pippin, Flight Path and Puppet regime but what on earth is Ursine+Howler?? Can anyone out there explain this to me. Thanks in advance
Please help with my last 2, 4D another name for a pineapple, and 10D Lottie.... 1891-1893 Wimbledon womens singles tennis champion. I have D - D.Could it be DOD? Thanks in advance I am sure someone...
Does anyone know the name for a New Zealand war club (-e-e) which is also a shallow lake in England ? I thought of "mere" but cannot find anything on google relating to a war club .Thanks in advance .
29.a Latin name of the first century British tribal leader who led the British resistance to the Roman invaders.(10) -a-a-t-c-- 35a Unit of currency in Botswana equal to100th part of a pula(5) -h-b-...
Sorry to ask but I swap papers with a neighbour and she has cut out a special offer leaving me partly clueless.I have got as far as I can and need quite a few.Can't give you the clues only letters....
It really annoys me that some crosswords have very short entry submission times. The worst at the moment is the News of the World which has to be in by Tuesday. When you live in the wilds of Cornwall...
I've googled and looked in my books, but it is not really clear. Who did Sir Anthony Eden defeat in the General Election of 26/5/55 was it Clement Attlee or Hugh Gaitskell? Hugh succeeded Clement in...
Anyone help please. Have tried googling but am stuck. 31a in sailing a triangular mainsail arrangement where the 2 square sides of the sail follow the line of the mast and boom, 7.3 B*R*R*A *i* also...
Editor of Seven says if armed with enough evidence of reader unhappiness she may be able to bring back the prizes for Cryptic & GK. So get writing again all you cruciverbalists to Susannah...
Ok It was caBriole knew I wouldn't win anyway even if I had put that instead of caPriole.1955 and dustybun and everyone else you were right. now on to this weeks! jan
John Prescott has been stripped of his department, Ruth Kelly now has this, all he will do is chair major Cabinet committees to deliver 'efficient Government policy' . He also keeps all his perks like...