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I have a Touch Panel Model-218 telephone/calendar/calculator. Yes, I know it's old! I have lost the manual. I want to set the time and bring the beast back into service. Can't figure out how. Can...
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11a, dependent on ones wife,??o?i??? 18a, one favouring a form of power division, f?d??????? 13d, feeling reverence, ?o???????? thanks in advance...
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Need confirmation or correction. Is 6a "profanity" and is 10d "tail end"?
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i might be wrong but it seems that 7d is using the french spelling of the answer. if so, it's a tad sneaky
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Here are the shaded questions from this morning's Crossword - 14a The longest common word in the English language without any vowels [6] 39a One of the national emblems of Wales [4] 3d The national...
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I've done it again ... thrown away the address. What I can remember of it is: Telegraph Media Group, Box No 600, London, SW1 ??? Can anyone assist? Thanx in advance.
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My partner died three months ago and I'm now on my own in our two-bedroom flat. The living room has an efficient open fireplace and logs are cheap, so no problems there. But I want to slash back on...
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1d Has actor Charles Dance been knighted - if so - can't find a ref to it ! d?n?e
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I've acquired a Dell V105 printer but cannot get the driver disk to run. can i download this thing online. if so, where?
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17d ... shaped like a doughnut ?????D?L
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the text on my pc screen is too light. how do i make it bolder?
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In this painting by Vettriano, have you noticed that the big mistake is that the woman is leading? Why is this the most popular painting in Britain (as the One Show has just told us)? I think it's...
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Last one - 19a According to Greek mythology, the King of Eleusis [7] I have -e-c-o- and any help would be much appreciated.
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I am genuinely puzzled!Looking for a tricky answer in Crosswordsthere was all this business about Happy Birthday.etc. are you well known in some other sphere-Google suggests a connection with pop...
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Not a question as such. Re 16a ... just curious to know when the Home Office had any res;ponsibility for international affairs?
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Does anyone know of someoine in east London (UK) who specialises in making professional-standard videos of funerals?
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Water bottle to keep one warm. I have -O-T-E
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I've done it again ... mislaid the address for this xword. Could someone please oblige? Many thanx in advance!
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26d ... lazy slovenly person (informal)
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Surprised to find I won last weeks competition. I can now confirm that the use of tippex does not disqualify one from the contest.

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