If through no fault of your own you arrange car insurance with incorrect details and the insurance company subsequently cancel the insurance and claim you owe them a standard arrangement fee and a...
Hi all - need you help - my 8 year old has her annual danceshow next weekend - they have been told they have to make a zombie outifit for one of the dances - not a clue where to start - any cheap and...
when my pc goes in to sleep mode the only way to wake it up is by pushing the main power button.before i only had to touch the mouse or any button and it would spring to life.any tips please?
My partner is now self-employed as a gardener. He has been advised to use an accountant. What are the benefits and what charges should he expect. (We live in Lancashire, not sure if this makes any...
Stand up straight, look in a mirror (looking yourself right in the eyes) and say "I love and approve of myself". It is called a 'self affirmation' and is supposed to help strengthen the...
Last night in the pub the barmaid mentioned that her parents had paid off their mortgage and that the TSB was charging about £150 per year to store the deeds. This set off a discussion as to...
I've been made redundant and my prospects (mid 40's) for further employment don't look good. The type of job I'd normally go for don't seem to be advertised any more. I have seen a lot of ads for jobs...
I purchased a spare key fob for my 2003 diesel renault megane. Is there any way I can programme it myself???. The garage want €100.00 approx and the key was over €200.00. I know some cars...
More news stories emerging on how thieving scum are now targetting charity shops. They steal the clothes and now the big metal containers too. This is not some low life feeding himself this is...
I have a sofa bed that is in perfect condition. I was going to put it in a sale but the auctioneer told me I'd be lucky to get £30 for it And the two chairs. I put the chairs in the sale but...