1. worker fell of the south pole leaving waterproof overshoe. (6) A???I? 2. University pie shop minced horse (but well before the horsemeat scandal). (8) 3. Swan,Maybe, not riven. (8). 4. Went...
51dn Counterfoil of ticket or cheque (5) As singular must be Stubb but is that actually a word? or is it Stubs and should therefore be ticket's or cheque's? Any thoughts?
Hi stuck on a few lures if anyone can help.thanks in advance 2d that's not surprising (2,6) ?? ?o???r 22apore over books ?g??? 12a right on time a???r? 109a easy going k?l?r?n? 108dwide stretch of...
Given the lack of posts, I seem to be the only one making heavy weather of this! Help appreciated with 26d Large number of Imperial bodyguards fired (10,4)
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