stuck on three: 13a Star coming back round is making an effort (5) N?S?S 17d Some Bacup dancers, say, goig in opposite directions (7) N???E?S 22a Food from Thailand, ready to eat (5) ??I?E thank you.
21a Czech bookselller and publisher of the largest encyclopedia in the Czech language (4) ?T?O 36a A type of sandwich containing cheese and various other fillings, then grilled or fired (4) M?L?...
4D derogatory North American slang for someone who is despicable (7) I have R?T?U?S, but may have gone wrong. Also 18D Guitar based music of the 1990s (7) B?I?P?P BRITPOP Thanks.
Stuck in the bottom r/h corner. 9d brain scan? (6,7) MENTAL???T??? 26a kid upset by fish (3) 24d hardly moves the lips (5) E???S (could this be EDGES) Many thanks for any help.