7 d. Shrub with large clusters of flowers (9) u-d-a-g-a I am assuming that it does start with u as I have joaquim for 5a but surely it is joaquin, but 8d. is maxilla.Now I fe4el like a Gumby ( my head...
23d Small measure of a strong alcoholic beverage such as spirit (5) ??O?T Could this be SHOTT? but how does this fit with the link clues from Saturday? Thanks
stuck on last one...1ac s?c?c?a? (4,4) loose-fitting overgarment or jacket for men, worn from the 1850's until the early 20th century....guess must be sack coat but would love a confirmation tks
stuck on three: 13a Star coming back round is making an effort (5) N?S?S 17d Some Bacup dancers, say, goig in opposite directions (7) N???E?S 22a Food from Thailand, ready to eat (5) ??I?E thank you.
Struggling... 10a Mad but it can be done? (11) ???m?t????? 1a The strain of marriage? (6,5) ???d?l ????? Thought it might be Bridal Night? 22a Using the old blender , ones about to cook food? (7)...
21a Czech bookselller and publisher of the largest encyclopedia in the Czech language (4) ?T?O 36a A type of sandwich containing cheese and various other fillings, then grilled or fired (4) M?L?...
Looking back through individual questions relating to today's Sunday Telegraph General crossword 824, I see enquiries as follows 10.06 jeff190 10.18 singed-cat 11.27 gardenknowin 11.53 minoru 12.21...