Not quite sure if I'm in the right section here, but can anyone tell me why - when answering a question - some user names are in black & others in green? As you will gather, I'm fairly new to AB...
counterpart in another organisation o?p? is it oppo? large and conspicuous jewellery b?i?g ?l??? in nw france a calvanist stronghold in 16th century ?t-?o another name for ground ivy ??? - ?o?f...
I was told by someone who is supposedly doing this that, if you are over 70 & work part time, you can work whatever hours you chose & the company have to honour this. (I'm currently...
I have just realised I have accidently written a 250 word essay with the caps lock on when it should have been off so I have had to do it all again. Does anyone know any good jokes to cheer me up?I...
3d Ready-made in Japan (3) Y _ N (Yen, but why?) 23d Check and decide mine's lost (5) D _ _ _ R 24a Beast's endless charge for drink (5, 3) _ A _ E _, R _ _ The middle letter of 23d is the same as the...
One more question on Amalfi coast. I think I will have 3 or 4 nights to spend exploring Amalfi Coast and was wondering whether its better to base yourself in one place and do day trips? If so, which...
Untidy Xmas Bird 6-5 Oriental Light 7-8 This Animal Went Up 3-4 A Fruit Flowering 5-7 ****** and Dobe (old building matieral) 6 Certainly not a Mans Man 5