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how come the pink question from the top have dissapeared?
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where are the kray twins buried
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When Livingston, in their former guise as Meadowbank Thistle joined the Scottish League in 1974, they were accepted on one condition - they changed their name from Ferranti Thistle. Why did they have...
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AB Asks
There are now tougher penalties for drivers caught using hand-held mobile phones. The offending drivers will now not only pay a fixed penalty of ?60, but they will also have three points added to...
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When did England players first start having their names printed on their shirts?
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I recently received a letter from Readers Digest, saying I have won a place in their prize draw. There are two reply envelopes to return the draw tickets. One says YES and you have to suscribe to the...
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When did England players first start having their names printed on their shirts?
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Hello, When do we put our clocks forward? IS it on Mother's Day. I know this years Mothers day is 18th March. Thx
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this is a question someone asked me the other day. now i thought the answer was an obvious one. well it was to me. but apparently its not as straightforward as i presumed. so when youre using...
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My grandson (20months old) has a real passion for JCB`s or diggers, has anyone heard of a road show or demonstrations for the public? I realise this maybe a long shot!!!
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I have my grandfathers rank and number and know he was stationed in Dublin in 1894 and in Malta in 1904 but that is all I know - any ideas where to look for my info.
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Hello , i was wondering if anyone knows the chepest insurance company or a good one to use , i am only 17 and have just passed my test , havent bought a car yet but think im after a clio .... thanks
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my car keeps reving for no reason, ive been told that i need a new catalytic converter would this put an end it this.
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Two left to complete a quiz of 50 e.g. OBTS - Once Bitten Twice Shy EITMOF SWOYF, OYESN - this is all one proverb allegedly Thanks Mike
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A friend sent me an article for a newsletter that I edit by saving it to CD and posting it to me. When I ran the CD and opened the file it was in a strange form, with lots of yyyyyyyyyy in succession...
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Anyone tell me of some cool downloads I can get for my pc? I know its a bit vague but all answers will be appreciated! Thanks in advance!
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Can anyone confirm for me that Fulham is the oldest London football club in the Premier League.
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Does anyone remember of the name of the guy who had tourettes, played by Rob Newman?
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Does anyone find him remotely entertaining? I gave his new show a whirl - Gwen Stefani looked embarrassed to be there and so would I. Caught a first glimpse of that appalling talent show too last...
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Don't usually watch this programme but can anyone tell me what film did the music for the human slinky come from.I know it is a film I have seen many times but I just can't remember!

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