Answers are sweeets,chewing gums,chocolates or chocolate bars A supernova,or (9)as it is commonly called would form into a nebula (7)material from which new suns would be born (4)space exploration had...
20 Spring pole tucks (2 words)
26 Shalling prove (2 words)
28 Sadly traps pan(2 words)
29 Cold cafe learn boil it (2 words)
All anagrams of things which may (!) be needed on holiday....
Sorry can't post a clue as this is a picture quiz made up of two halves of famous faces. Has anyone any ideas on 1a and 6a (the left hand sides)? The initials are DG or RM.
4 Bird I have on right (8)
7 Hollow man holds cut of beef (6)
17 Beetle meets rodent (8)
27 Man in carrier age (8)
40 Writer's dog tumbles after graduate (7)
Thanks for any help...
Help please 2 the medical man is in the embrace of the servant girl[6] 9 where naknanem ips (anagram) resides (8) 11 Looks as if the army doctors have acquired a jersey(6) 16 Planes in another form...
My last few,help please 45 Once again,the flamenco,representing Spanish tradition,can be viewed inside (6) 82 Someone's biography included the comeback of the writer(5) 94 Insects found in the large...