my window isnt that bad it's (w)44 (l)67 but all the blinds in homebase, argos etc are only (l)63 in
does anyone know where i can get blinds a bit bigger from (in the Manchester area)
Right now I can do either course but don't know which one to pick. I've spent a year in a lab and don't really like what the BMs do. I'd like to go on to further study but I don't know which course...
I'm going to watch it tonight on the IMAX and I can not wait!!
My sis watched it last night and loved it!! I'm so excited now can't wait to leave work!!!!
on the train to london I came heard this french piece of music and I found the play list us/onboard/at_seat_audio/channels/default.aspx ?dj=penny_gore...
I just made a paper clip chain thats taller then me!! now my hands are dirty and smell of metal!! eww
so now after this hard day at work I'd like to go home!!