in the scene where hatori hanzo takes beatrix upstairs and shows her his swords, there's a beautiful piece of music playing in the background. it's very ethereal. anyway i need to know what it's...
In your opinion what is the best film in my dvd collection? American beauty white men can't jump Training day The sixth sense Born on the forth of july Pulp fiction Dead presidents Apocalypse now...
i am an ultimate force fan (and apart from that woman sas person who is ruining it for me) i wondered ,from a military point of view,just how accurate and realistic it is.
Is it OK for Hollywood to bend the truth as much as they do? Even though theres a lot of patronising pro-american movies, are they there simply for our own entertainment?
does anyone know where i can find the cartoon "ardvark" which was on tv during the 80's and was shown usualy before the pink panther cartoon, starring a blue-purple ardvark vs a very funny ant,one of...
about 90 mins into saving private ryan medic wade is shot several times in the chest. obviously they used a chest pack filled with fake blood. but does anyone know where you can actually buy them...
HI I have an L reg Escort 1.4i LX .... The other night whilst driving on the motorway I noticed that the dashboard lights and clock were very dim .... we had no problems starting the car that...
How should I wash my keeper gloves? Normally, I hand wash them and put them in a warm place to dry,but they always go hard and brittle. any suggestions on what i should do. asap please, because i just...
If you have played the new game Football Manager, the real sequal to Championship manager, are Oliver Kahn missing for you too, he ain't in the game why is that, just a bugg or what?