My house is being repossed next month; I have left some furniture and other items there. I dont have anywhere to store them, nor am I able to move them myself due to having no transport or knowing...
Hi. I have a reposession hearing next month. Sadly, I will have to let it go as i'm not in a position to offer anything substantial to clear the arrears, nor can I, due relationship & work issues,...
A friend of mine stopped paying their mortgage & all other bills 6 months ago. They've received letters from the lender, however, nothing desperately threatening. Basically they could no longer afford...
I have ran into serious problems; I am over ?5k in arrears with mortgage/utilities etc. My partner left me 4 mths ago & and I have since had my hours reduced at work. I cannot physically afford to...
I have an interest only mortgage; I have been told if I cant afford the monthly pmts, then I can hand the keys back. Is this so, and does anyone know what happens. It is an interest only mortgage...
On top of the mistakes i made in my previous post; to top it off I owe my brother ?9k. He loaned it to me so I could put down a deposit on my house 3yrs ago. It was agreed that I would pay him back...
Hi, I currently have a mortgage of around ?115k; secured loan ?28k, charging order ?4k; the house value is NOW, around ?150k. Been up for sale for a 1.5 yrs with 2 agents & no luck I've knocked ?10k...