Hiya, I decided against breeding from one of mine- at least for the moment. But have a chocolate female cocker arriving in the next day or so. She is 4 months and was kept from a litter for a fil, who...
Please can you help with the Quiz 1. Game or Insect, (7 letters ) ? 5.Pacific Atoll, (6 letters ) ? 6. Reveals with hesitation, (7 letters )? 7. Too hot to handle?, (8 letters) ? 9. Ahoy surrounds the...
Is anyone doing this logo quiz? Really struggling to find them. I will try to explain the best I can. Here goes. No.5 Looks like two heads looking into an open book. No.15 Elephant on top of a weather...
Any help grateful
5. Angry-ish water (5,3)
28. Ocean of oil gifted by magi (6)
32. Teggies home (4,5)
35. Is this river a new star? (4)
36. Keyhole for a horse (5,5)
Thanks in advance x...
All answers include a first name
Any help grateful
24. Despite appearances she's not a bloke from Newcastle area with four siblings, but a model (9)
Thanks in advance x...
All answers are sports, pastimes or games, any help grateful please
43. Free Climbing (10)
53. Where are we going (8)
80. Played by men and women together(8)
Thanks in advance x...
Any help grateful with these please extra clues or answers
1. 4 T N in P
2. 4 W T in an A A
3. 200 A S in a S
4. 50 N W by C D
5. 9000 M N of H
6. N of S in A
Thanks in advance x...
All answers relate to trees, woodworking methods, trades & tools some also include sayings & songs An extra clues grateful 1. Dogsbody! (6) 16. Misunderstand and waste effort (4,2,3,5,4) 20. Fruit...
Any help grateful all answers are castles in England. CLUES ONLY PLEASE 62. The end of this flower of the north east 63. This is pointless, look both ways at barrier 66. Trap flame thrower 68. Warning...
All answers relate to types of tree, woodwork methods, trades & tools Any help is grateful 3. Equable Souls (6,5) 4. Complain and come in (9) 5. One who takes part (6) 20. Fruit tree from Scottish...
Any help on these 1980's singers/groups grateful
2. Trendy legastive body (5,7)
25. William and Joseph next to the lake (5,4)
27. Plaster in Detroit (4,3)
Thanks in advance x...
Any answers to the following please
No7 purveyors of high class jewelry 7 letters
No12 a small river 4 letters
No24 Cross channel help 5 and 3 letters many thanks for any help...
Any help grateful, the following are songs from musicals that contain numbers in the title. The number in brackets is how many words are in the musical title 43. T7DV (1 word) 44. 10DC (1word) 50. AF1...
All answers have something found in the average kitchen in the answer.
10. Likely to cheat or deceive (9)
18. Filled with passion for something (10)
Any help grateful & thanks in advance x...
Really stuck on the last 3 any help grateful 6. Final hearing organ and I with the bible found a word of affection (10) begins with E 7. A pair is able to sound like a bird (6) Ends with S 30....