Listening to Radio 1 and I find Edith Bowman to be one of the most irritating djs ever! Does anyone agree? Whenever she interviews anyone or speaks to anyone she comes out with an obviously fake laugh...
If you have only known somebody for about a month but have established they are not doing anything particularly special over Christmas, nor have any real commitments, would one consider it too forward...
It is an increasing trend amongst professional single women who are looking for dates to accompany them. They are paying professional escorts to join them to event such as work socials. What do you...
What with all this private messaging thing going on here on AB, does this mean the demise of other social networking sites liuke the ones mentioned above?
When I try out the new version of answerbank, it asks for my username and password. When I submit these, it says incorrect. Yet I am entering the correct password. Can you help?! Also forgive me if I...
A US polygamist sect leader has been jailed for at least five years for forcing a 14 year old to marry her cousin. The case involved a breakaway group from the mormon church that still believes in...
I stopped smoking this morning but i've just had a rollup after my tea. I feel properly gutted. Has anybody else tried to stop and failed at the first hurdle?