For your breakfast? I've just discovered this since I have the day off (just to rub it in a little to everyone that's working/pretending to work!)
Got sent this pic by someone.Cant say im sure i agree with this .I assume she does though?Anyone tell me is this true or not? 758/soco.jpg
go on make me laugh! try not to keep them too clean. A boy and his girl are in the cinema making out up the back, they finally come up for air and he says to her. " can you stop passing me your...
Theres a rumour going around the internet that answerbank are having a valentines day party.But due to the number of decrepit old posters over the age of 40 on answerbank theyre apparently holding it...
Doubt any of you will have a clue what I'm on about as these are by far the vaguest of details. Looking for a 90s male group - not sure they were exactly "boy band" - only had one big song as far as I...
find you have spoken on here about stuff you would never tell friends or family? I mean personal things? I know I have, and have cringed reading it next day. But have found it has really helped me....
Isn't free speech wonderful all the reponses to the Ashley Cole affair couldn't have been expressed better , If you could get on a "Soap Box" what would you rant and rave about?t
I went to iceland today.The frozen food store advertised by chunky cokehead with big bazookas kerry katatonica.When i was there i got some mini savourey eggs , some cheese coleslaw and a deep pan...