Great Britain & Ireland have defeated the USA in the 2011 Walker Cup. Well done guys in some very testing conditions. The real winner hopefully was the Royal Aberdeen Golf Club's course and the...
I was given 7 days to live-had sucessful transplant (touch and go initially) in 6 days. I never drank, (and numerous blood tests must have prooved that), BUT I have been known to drink vinegar, on and...
please help, having a senior moment, and slow cooking belly pork ( just for Lie-in king ) 21a a catholic 17th century England 8 24a the main antagonist in Orwell's nineteen eighty four 6 a beginner's...
Stumped on 1down. Just this to finish. Also known as palay, of genus wrightia, with hard white wood ?v?r?t?e?. Assume it ends with tree. Can anyone please help?
source of illumination once used for transmitting morse code a_d_d _a_p 25d part of the pacific between australia and new zealand t_s_ _ _ _s_a36d one per second is now known as the hertz _y_l_
14a Adjective relating to lymphoid tissue (7) A*E**ID; & 2d An early French settler in Nova Scotia, many of whom were deported to Louisiana in the 18th century (7) A**D***
answer to 35D please, 6 letters, r - n - e -, University city in NW France that was the ancient capital of Brittany. and 4D in ballet a leap in the air with one leg outstretched and the other beating...
page 53 - crossword. 13 across : clue : far from helpful - 4-9 , have the letters ? n ? o ? t ? r ? t ? v ? , am totally stuck on this! think all the letters i've put in are correct, can anyone help...
with respect jim i have shot in mind for the answer to the chain length question.please can you tell me where ican confirm this as i can,t find it anywhere.thanks in advance,skybluefred.
What on earth has happened to the Herculis? Reduced prize money, and very easy clues: "the noise a pig makes" - oh per-lease! Are the Barclay brothers having an economy drive?