11a Pineapple found in can an Asiatic A?A??? 26a Scottish border town A?N?N 3d A river turtle T?R???I? 24d Fools, idiots N?N?S Thank you all in advance
9a But how can one begin, given great Donald Trump set to order G?T ?T?R?E? 21a God's micro app from the pearly gates. perhaps, that started it W?R? Thank you all in advance
22a Like counting sheep are so many ships that pass in the night so fast ?B?E? 1d Cast Rex and Regina to a different class ?O?S?O?R?T Thank you all in advance
10a Burnt ashes remain therein, though off the table in any in, if found out. ???T?A?S 11a Aren't smarter phones a must to describe today's techies on the corporate ladder U??????? ??B?L? 16d No,... ...
11a Thus, Pilate's wife knelt and went to recite Rome's rendition of the Lord's prayer ?A??? ??S?E? 28a So, who might you be, rash lass, to render such folly ???R?D?N?? Thank you all in... ...
4d Hymn tune, choir part C?A?A?E 6d Immerse, overwhelm E?G?L? 7d Come forward, increase production ???? UP 8d Join, come together ?O?V???? Thank you all in advance
46a Starts to develop excellent techniques, employing carefully tested emprical disciplines, one noticed. D?E???ED 42d How is it that Bobby gets nylon geese? Forget about it. ??? ??G?N?? ?? ... ...
34d Its unusual, the curt form of address of some Urbanites in Holland U?????T 57d One prevents underworld character, moving from bank to bank, from making progress A?C??? 68a On flight I sit... ...
14a Could it be tarry, when that is removed from the back of her underwear ???GE? 20 The defining culture is embodied by those who are crooked ?T??? 32a European city in which it seems they know... ...
27a Might pie in the sky mice mean Trump's recipe for a shepherd's pie ?I??? S?A? 43a Facebook's fathering of a monstrous team on a global scale ?E?A Thank you all in advance
42a Allowance is regular and fixed, but that doesn't mean you can spend it recklessly. S???E?? 5d ST90oR?That's a killer, like DeSalvo in Massachusetts capital ?T?A?g??? 10d Darwin was transported... ...