16a B&W; P&A ????A 29a Sailors with one extra extremity of lower limbs attached to upper, associate it with drink ??R?A?? 47d Puccini's eponymous heroine is upset at having to attend course,... ...
6a There's nothing positive about being charged with what GOP managed to do in Nov 1979 ?L?????? 11a Rebuke aftersome of fancy food is measured ????B?R??? 57d One prevents underworld character'... ...
1d Self governing already is Artificial Intelligence ?U?O???O?S 23d Down as you may be going, its a rise for recovery u?T?R? 12 How foolishly nick-named a girl can be as you can see ???E? thank you... ...
10a But, given stick, its that bit no one wants to be left with ?H??? ??D 2d Whats a one off lift, without a fare, that'd drive anybody to God knows where ?E??/E Thank you all in advance
9a Whata director says about a fajita at the end of a session of filming I?? A ???P 6d ingress where you'll find cat's-eyes I??/A? Thank you all in advance
All answers are either Shrubs, Flowers, or Plants. I have no letters. 1 They meet in a kiss (6 letters) 2 Put a H for the winner (7 letters) 3 Not your friend (7 letters) 4 Encourages the singing bird... ...
1a Jazz drums, personal belongings & carriages ??A?S 9a Leaves, clears ??A?U???S 28a Puts a car through its paces ??A? ????S 13d Seditious, mutinous ?R?A?I?O?? Thank you all in advance
1d Inspirational SW Donegal priest, reappearing inscary DJ meme. ????S M?D?E? 21d Major winning Irish golfer. ?R???E ?C?O?E?L 27a A Stockpile, provide money for ?E?O?R?? Thank you all in... ...
4d Off and on, on and off...like an old ship on sail? ?T?P ?T?R? 6d So its a proboscis, plainly and in the face of it, what an elephant's got. ?E?G ?O?E 9a Sumptuous desert consumption...can... ...
I have an outside toilet which I have just whitewashed the interior. This was difficult because of the number of insects. How can I get rid of them. All suggestions welcomed with thanks.