6d,meditteranean shrub,5,4,e???e,?r?i
8d,state of harmonious agreement,???t?
9a,restoration of equilibrium,s?a?i?i?a????
18d,aromatic ointment,a gift from the three wise men,?e?r?...
10a,handler of stolen goods,r???I?e?
11d,expression of grievance,??m?l?i??
15a,chinese gooseberries,?i?ui?
20a,shrub with fragrant waxy flowers,?a?d?n?a...
1a,fool enters to lay money on dog,?????t 2d,one more on earth,absurd,????h?? 3d,absolutely fabulous,top cop,????r 8a,circle left with no work,???? 12a,its seemly to support the queen,?????r...
14a,disgusting,l?a?h?o?e 25d,self-confident,a?s???? 31d,revoke,a???? 36a,insurrection,??s??? 41a,absence of illness,4,6,?o??,?e???h 43a,mock tease,4,3,2,?a?e,???,?? 50a,in an old style,c?a?s????...
4d,initiate monks as sworn relatives,5,8,is it elect brothers 5d,daring headset breaks,causing sobbing,8,1,4,s???????,?,???? 10a,considered worthy of respect,?e?a?t?? 14a,no duel about mass,??d???...
9a,given a new structure,????????t???d
22a,district nurse,e,g,6,7,??????,????t??
24a,rousing to activity,?????????n?...
2d,peckham,south London district,r?e
8d,accidental success,?l???
12a,people in general,?o??
17d,bob or bounce along,??l?p