Sorry about this Quizmailers, but I am bouncing all over the place.Stuck on Q 1 ,Q 2 ,Q39 ,Q67. plus some others which I will find.Able to read the Forum, but am unable to take part at present,shows...
26. In the British Theatre, an actor with an unimportant walk-on part is colloquially denoted as carrying what type of weapon in a phrase now commonly applied to other walks of life to any unimportant...
Hi as usual am struggling with quizmail pictures. Anyone else having difficulty? Is anyone willing to offer a clue for 28, 29, 31, 75,76,77,79,119,144 or 145. Just a few! Thanks
Help if you can. This word is one of those strange cases in the English language where a word is no longer used except in its opposite sense when 'less' has been added on. This four-letter word means...
I've gotten 11 out of 14 but not these three. I am terrible at anagrams and will probably groan when I see the answers .1. Coin Rope 2. Iron Bus 3. Elated Colt