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An example of this quiz is Q. A CHEAP CHEF A. PENICUIK
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Girl from city in North Carolina, kind of sweet I'm guessing it's Charlotte but why 'kind of sweet'?...
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1A) Downward force is unmixed around about ship (8) 19A)Vicar with Gaelic setback (7) R_V_R_E 25ASolicit devil or melody (9) begins with I 1D)Standard article of French procession (6) ??R??? 12A)Duels...
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17 acr.... Ornamental sunken ditch (2-2) ?? ?A 14 down.... Spancel the hovel to the french ( 7 ) S??C?LE...
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19d Cured haddocks (8,7) A?B?O??? M?O?I?S
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3D Old cartoon pirate watching as pupa emerged (7,7) 8DPlace Chaucer in Proms players' frame (10) 24A Cheer pilot for manoeuvring aircraft (10)...
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Still struggling with this Is one down big bucks 1 across catching birds at night using lights to confuse them . If big bucks is correct it begins with B?????L??? 5 down Plant manufacturing fuel 8...
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14a domination brings endless complaint(4) ?r?p 22a apt to be awkward,having grudge now(2.7)a?p?e?e?t 27a cling to bully (4.2) ?e?n?n...
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Apparently methods A to J are unsuitable on the building site, (5), ????k Involvement in a pit: a tropic involvement,(13), ??r?????a????...
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2.down rural lodger--Burns wrote of one'd Saturday Night (6 letters) C?T?E? 16. down Syne (3 letters ) A?O 29.down village north of lochinver sounds like a repository ( 5 letters ) S?H?R
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39a Scandinavian boy and girl,firstto identify evil manipulator (8) -v-n-a-i
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9ac Be mother for the French _ _ _R 11ac Spent two notes at the charity 'do' E_ _ _ _E 22ac Not a galley, but may be found in one _ _ _A_ _R 7dn A way to regulate the economy from Roman times _ _ _ _...
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Last one. Have T?S?A?L? The "T" is from Amulet at 22d Is it "TestA?L?" ? Grateful for any help and thank you in anticipation.
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24a 5letters w-a-- to strike violently coll thanx
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telluriums not radioactive as can be proved experimentally(9)
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Please can anyone help 21 down Female followers of Bacchus also 46 down Diamond pattern derived from the tartan of Clan Campbell ?????A 50 down Synthetic polymer inveted at the DuPont research...
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Can anybody please explain why one down is land girl l?n? g?r? (Hero or romantic comedy does so miss working outside) and 29 across is behold ?e?o?d (past history revolutionary holds that's surprising...
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dt quick . can anyone help with 4 across thanks
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4 down 20 down 25 across...
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Still struggling with this! 5d. One company in the way(5) may be A?C?T 13d.Announced merry compiler with a drink,first (1))?M?C?????? 28a.City church collecting tax(7) L?????H 27a.Sapper previously...

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