help needed with last one please
26 what was the name of the revolutionary organization led by fidel castro that overthrew the incumbent Cuban dictatorship in 1959?
any help appreciated...
i need help please as this quiz needs to go I have asked before but still left with these two. no number of letters given theme which doctor 36 featured tickle nookey et alia (C O F) theme wheels...
help needed with last few please no number of letters given theme sidekicks 11. supports a sharp dog (C) 12. larrys femme fatale (V L) 15. aided by ginger and douglas (W B) theme which doctor 36....
all answers contain a drink e.g three times grand national winner - red rum 23. Hebridean island's windfall (w,g) 26. hang on in their gromit (s) 30. an estuarine toast? (h,m,i,y,e) any help please...
last two I need help please, answers are a type of transport
no 40 use this to cross the roughest ocean (5)
no 43 curious cheer for peculiar pilot (10)...
struggling with last 3 bit hard to describe any help appreciated 23. ORION with an arrow pointing to it and speech bubble saying I cost £2.00 NIMROD written underneath with speech bubble saying I...
all answers include at least two words that start with a w any help appreciated. no number of letters given
2. lunar circle
17. both are needed to make the fabric...
help needed please on last few 1. it was discovered in the relic roy donated them 3. drove wildly 10. it comes out of sombre consideration 11. a bird he cultivated got round ken 18. I leave unicorn...
need help to finish these last 2 please
no 11, was this tree used for portable harbours in ww11 (8)
no 14, ... or in this case a greeting from a ram (6)...
last three can anyone help please, all answers have a musical connection 2. nasty cholera outbreak inflicts this group of singers (7) 5. this tune, is tearing us apart (9) 33. this note can be read...
help needed please all answers include a food or drink they can be films, books, quotes, famous people, songs, groups but not actual names of food or drink e.g chicken pie they are in alphabetical...