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can any one help me with my last two please. answers have a metal connection 1.fiction- change cent for a 50 and scramble 2.bark to a canoe thanx in advance...
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can you tell me the cost and the address of which to send for the car jounrney quiz please
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does anyone know of any logo quizzes on the go at the minute. i have already got the new heage one, but i also had another a few months back and they said they would be doing a follow on. i think it...
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last ditch attempt before posting the heage quiz any help with logo numbers 3, and 18 no's 31, and 52 on connections have seen previous clues but still struggling with these thanx in advance...
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help needed on last few please the border (flower) 7 letters army and uk fliers finally educated? (animal) 7 letters 3. the french cold follows 16 (fish) 6 letters...
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1. what is a round of play called in a hand of bridge 2."roma" and "tornado" are types of what any help appreciated...
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all answers are fruit 1. odd tiger far up in a tropical evergreen tree (10) 2. generated by an angry dog (7) 3. half of twenty (5) any help please...
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can anyone help with last two, answers are sayings, books. rhymes, films, or tv programme 1. B F T B S 2. B B L L any help much appreciated...
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missed one yesterday... his fame didnt last a fortnight 4-4 6
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answer is a musical snowy/filly/place to stay. all one question no number of letters given thanx in advance...
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all answers contain a number any help welcomed 1. fish chips and peas shouts the caller 3,3,6 2. you'd be scratching th a long time 5,4,4 3.change spin in N.E. for a game 8...
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need some help with these film titles each letter represents a word. any help greatly recieved 1. A C O 2. T O F 3. T E P...
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is anybody doing this picture quiz im needing help with lots numbers 3, 10, 25, 26, 30, 38, 46, 49, 50, 53, 61,63,68, 71, 73, 81, 82, 83, 95 lots i know, but any clues greatly appreciated as ive got...
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is any one out there doing the lions go logo quiz, although i still need lots there are some that look very familiar but i just cant find them and they are driving me mad. numbers 4, 14, 17,39, 46,...
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something related to circus. 1.spider follows dish 2. french streams thanx in advance...
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clue leads to a christmas carol/song the queens speech has started. 4, 5, 6 any help appreciated thanx in advance...
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last one any help please answer is something you might see on a car journey. stock network 6,4...
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answer relates to stars or planets any help appreciated thanx in advance A long time in the past (4,5,3)...
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book from the bible:- in pisa, most tourists visit the tower (no number of letters given) using the words below make a word associated to xmas to the following clues bell, baby, deer, lamb, mary 1....
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can anyone help with further clues please for logos no 28, 29 structures 91, 96, 100, 102, 113, 114, 119 have looked at previous clues but still cant find them. this is a picture quiz so unless you...

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