Help needed please all answers two worded beginning with PB no number of letters given
No 2 medical alert around ones neck
No 3 flow country or fleet moss
No 11 to help or assist...
help needed please all answers end in O . no number of letters given no 43 the queen and prince Phillip spent part of their honeymoon here no 49 Wiley Hardeman Post first person to fly around the...
help needed please answer as a letter of the alphabet in e.g Mark bolan T Rex no number of letters given no 35 they reached the final of BGT in 2018 answer is 2 words associated with EASTER no 56...
help needed please all answers sound like 2/3 clues when you read together what do your clue word sounds like e.g meat (pork) sheep (ewe) long for (pine) = porcupine no 7 plaything (3) lease (3) woody...
help needed please answers are one word with two separate words
e.g soften club with velocity macerate (mace/rate)
no 2 attack donkey when its ill (6)...
help needed please all answers contain a boys name in alphabetical order they can be anything films, books, songs, phrases, places, characters etc no 116 boys name is the S. t?? w????? o? S??????...
help needed please the answer is a song from a musical with a number in. once you have found the song you have to say which musical its from
H12H13HL (3 WORDS)...
help needed please all ans are British mountains or hills no 3 confused swinehead on yorkshire peak (9) no 4 valley principle (4,4) no 19 len and cath in underwear (10) no 31 this one starts in the...
help needed please last letter of an answer is the first letter of the next answer so if my other answers are correct it should have 8 letters in total beg with a M and end with a L no 21. drink is...
Help needed please all ans are no 1 hits of the 1960s no number of letters no 2 strange leap to discover its not as dark as you thought no 6 sounds like two vowels got mended in the centre no 18 short...