Help needed please answer contains a number no number of letters given No 45 song released by Ringo Starr in 1974 And a famous historical event which I think happened 50 years ago if my other answers...
help needed please all answers are people or animals real or imaginary, who are or were French no 29 the Vatican put her 1949 book in the index of prohibited books (6,2,8) no 40 claimed he did not...
help needed please, answers are types of clothing or footwear
no 28 quarter of a deck (4,2,5) i cant get past suit
no 34 tea clipper in a short shirt (5,4)...
help needed please with last few all answers are singers /musicians from 1950s no 11 succeed me with infamous Mr west, close to the water course (8,6) no 25 ex prime minister perhaps (3,5) no 28...
help needed please ans are hobbies
no 43 try not to get tied up [7] was thinking weaving or maypole but then thought it would have dancing with it
no 61 note without t [7]...
Help needed please all clues lead to a famous person. No number of letters given No 3. 19th century English prime minister is not big No 29 endless amazon virtual assistant let's northern Briton go...
All answers contain the word fort help needed please
No 10 person who will fight for anyone for money (7,2,7)
No 11 unusually thick coin (8)
No 20 gateway to Loch Ness (4,8)...
Help needed please all answers contain something christmassy
No 42 philanthropist sweet maker (6,8)
No 60 Scottish tradition (5,7)
No 78 celebratory drink (9)...
Help needed please all answers contain 'all things precious' No 2 only a fool would take it for gold (4,7) No 40 when crushed its ultramarine (5,6) No 64 excavating Hollywood in 1933, 1935 and 1937...
Help needed please all answers contain something masculine (although some are very obscure) no number of letters given No 18 shakespeare's name for a newly married man, if formerly a bachelor. No 67...
Help needed please all answers contain his or her
No 12 an aside (5,7)
No 13 having refined tastes (13)
No 16 norfolk resort (10)
No 18 be in command (4,3,5)...
help needed please all answers are films no number of letters given no 12 proscribed with pluto written underneath no 25 the french female written at the top, los angeles in the middle, and terrra...
help needed please with last few . answers are linked to fairies, pyjamas or sewing no number of letters no 4 which stitch could also be a swimming stroke no 5 which song became the playschool theme...
help needed please all answers are relate to the body no 4 to ponder to examine with close attention (4) no 73 in the navy a ships gangway (no number of letters) no 77 to grunt or growl (5) no 83...