all answers are feminine
no 12. an animal that has been dehorned. I found polled but cant see the connection with females?
no 75 Dolly girl popular in the 1950s still has many admirers (6)...
all answers contain phrases with numbers in. help please no 33 MTS (8,3,4) the number contained is two no 76 NNB (RS) (10,7,9) book or song, author or singer in brackets no 86 HSO (BD) (7,5,3) book or...
help needed please. seeing double answers are twins. no number of letters given no 23 a dispute between these two over a childs toy went unresolved because of the appearance of a large black bird no...
Stuck again ... Any he'll much appreciated. Answers are found in the garden. 1. One legged creature? 11 2. Stop the path. 5.6 3. The way to madness 5.7 4. Floating cutter 5.5 5. Tied area 4.6 6. Trim...
all answers are types of pairs, well known phrases, people, songs, pop bands, they are in alphabetically order. e.g B????? AND R???? = batman and robin. this answer fits between cheap and cheerful and...
all things related to Scotland, help please no number of letters given no 7 what animal is a principle character in the book 'wind the willows' no 18 how old was bonnie prince Charlie at the battle of...
help needed please what word links the following sets. no number of letters no 2 open, passage, society no 11 chancellor, duke, flat answers are words that are often misspelt no7 mode of behaviour or...