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still looking for few answers any help please. all answers contain a mythical connection capital letter repesents this films e t A songs J - d P - t h M - a (not monster by automatic have that for...
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anyone out there doing the heage quiz these are pictures so only those doing this quiz can help as i dont no how to post the pics. i am stuck on famous faces 40, 43, 52, 54, 60, 63, and 65 any help...
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anyone doing this picture quiz i need help please famous faces 54, 60, 61, 63 bridges 99, 100, 104, 105, 117, 118 thanx in advance...
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Dingbat STOMACH (the O has got 4 dots inside it) Linkword - Beer, holding, hours (5) Apple, hard, time (4) Thanks for any help...
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all answers have a myth or legend in them capital letter denotes this any help appreciated please films 9. e t A 28. n t U songs 42. D by g 46. M by t a 60. j o t S by t e 65. t a (G u t s) by y...
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This for anyone who may be doing this quiz as they are all picture clues Can anyone help with clues for: Adverts 3 & 9 Famous faces 48,53,54,60,61 &63 Thanks for any help...
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is anyone else out there doing this quiz i have been puzzling over this anagram for some time now any help please. . . awakesrainvans (singer)
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granny grump
Left with 3 please can you help Ways of moving and forms of transport 41 New bad rock Turk (2 words) 52 Full of inflated self-importance 58 Go quickly Your Majesty...
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all ans are inventions or discoveries 1. french madame (3, 10) 2. forerunner of films (10, 5) 3.reveals family trait (7, 4) 4. attaching an office standard (9) 5.a great attraction (9, 9) 6.said to be...
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all answers contain the word mat. struggling on these last 3 any help out there please 1. public announcement for all to hear 2 very little thinly spread 3.his last therorem became famous heres hoping...
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Linkword: cloth, high, rail (50 Dingbats: 1. RA ME FA SO LA TE 2. DE GR EE 3. A BCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRST UVWXYZ 4. CAUGH - ( a bad cough?) Thanks for any help...
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help needed please answers are sporting venues or places 1. once more german wines, cute hair dye (football) 2. school gathering in one of these any ideas appreciated...
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as near to the middle of the month allowing for posting as i can if any one is doing this they are pictures clues please for flowers no 66, 75 , 79, 83,84,and 95 have trawled through endless gardening...
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19,TFOTP p being the myth or legend, 21,AAWIL w being the myth or legend, 22TWOE w being the myth or legend,I would be pleased to receive any help...
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I have missed one if anyone can help please. A BCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRST UVWXYZ...
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When rearranged these letters spell a children's TV series 3,5 HHOSBHETO When rearranged these letters spell out the name of a popular soap actress 5,7 HOCSYGATMRAN Thanks...
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help please all answers contain either the colour red blue or grey 1. its famous 3,6 2. this american unfortunately ousted te british red 4,8 3. hillbilly music 4,5 4.has this bird got communist...
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can anyone help with last three sporting venues please 1 once more german wines, cute hair dye (football) 2 school gathering in one of these 3motor hanged has man any suggestion appreciated...
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Rhyme ................Wedding Book....................Root Polish..................Arrest can't think of the link words for them. these are a local quiz and i'm stuck on these....
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1- When rearranged these letters spell a C4 challenge show 5,2,1,3 TEBHENDEAIR and a Popular British actress 3,6 IPALREFYY Thanks...

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