Does anyone have this passage with the hidden words? If so have you found a fish ? I’ve went through it with a tooth comb and still can’t find it!! Also wondering if I’ve missed another as I have the...
help needed please on last few all answers are weights and measure no number letters given
no 8. staffordshire one ?
no 25. ? of cloth
no 29. seventh day after a festival...
can anyone help with these ditloids please
no 10. 10 TIJS in SCD
no 15. 12 RGT for RN
no 21. 42 M of L
no 31. 153 F in the SMC
no 33. 50 V of B in D
no 38. 110 M in a MOHS...
help needed please all answers are holiday destinations countries or places no 5 give nickname to the main road (5) no 14 turn with two students and a pond ((8) no 15 normal and alive (5) no 22 breeze...
help needed please on last one. answer is two words with one letter changed e.g frozen water / someone who looks down on someone ….snow/snob no 10 place where incident occurs/ ancient Greek theatre...
Need some help these are pictures of Santa’s so if anyone is doing this quiz clues please for questions 2,5,7,8,10,11.
Movies questions no 4,6,8,9,10,12
Thanks for any help...
help needed please with last few .all answers are xmas related no 8 BB on top of Ben E on top of Si no 10 propel with oars on top of mix with spoon on top of sycamore fruit (I did think it was...
help needed please answer is a famous person
no 36 swallow family bird at Shepperton racecourse losing 20 cwts and the park . no number of letters given...
help needed please all answers are Christmas music titles, lyrics, or performers no 15 group wishing for extreme Christmas repeats (7) no 22 a seasonal story from southern county and the bard (7,4) no...
help needed please all answers are flowers no 2 cliff's boy's fastener ((9,6) no 20 beautiful female relative off 12 (10,,4) I have lily for answer 12 no 31 used for cleaning in a meat shop (8,5)...