Can anyone please tell me the name of an Italian Grand Prix circuit with the letters I?O?A. Please don't tell me it's Monza because I KNOW the letters I have are all correct. Thank you in advance....
24d Person from Baku, for example (5). A???I. I have the answer down as AZERI - BUT 27a throws that out. Genus of purple-flowered Mediterranean plants (8) A?B???IA. I think the answer is AMBROSIA but...
I should know the answer to this one but I can't dredge it up from my quagmire of a brain. 5d Historically, land converted from forest to arable land (6) I have ?S?A?T. Thank you in advance.
Missed one earlier - something else I never watched! 7d --(or: Show 5) episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus with the Psychiatrist Milkman sketch (6) I have
?E?A?U. Again - thank you in advance....
Hello any help with the last one i cant seem to fit what i thought was the answer in 19d Polar explorer who was the first to fly over both the North and South poles 9ltrs E?L?W?R?H (unless i have got...
Help required please - the answer to this is obviously French and my knowledge of French is zero minus. 10a Choose something at random (4-4) I have
?R?V ?O?S. Thank you....
For quite a few years I have used an Oxford Interactive Dictionary/Encyclopedia on the various systems on Windows. Since "progressing??" to Windows 7 and Windows 8 (horrible system!) I find the...
Help please with 16d Line on a map connecting points having equal meterorological incidence. I have isohyets but doesn't fit with 21a Type of Italian restaurant Pizzeria. Thanks in advance. This is...
Stuck on two - any help appreciated. 22d Liturgical vestment worn by a priest celebrating the Eucharist. (5) I have A?I?E. 45d Artist who created "The Theatre Box" (6) I have R?N?I?....
Stuck on one silly little clue - 54d. Leather used in bookbinding (4). I have R?A?. (Have an inkling the answer is REAL, but not certain) Thank you in advance.
Stuck on two today. 4d. One eighth of a carucate of a ploughed area. (6) I have O?L?N?. OXGANG is the only word I can come up with but 9a is definitely RAPHAEL so that obviously ain't right! 17a....
Stuck on one - can find no trace of the answer anywhere - 32d. Nobel prize-winning scientist who co-founded quantum physics. I have D?R?C. Is the answer DORIC?