I need to buy a printer/scanner but don't want to make the same mistake as before, printer was cheap but ink was costly. What is the best printer to go for when considering the cost of ink?
My local shop opens at 6am & closes at 10pm! I popped in last night just before closing time & as always the gaffer was there, in the 3 months I've lived here I've never been into the shop & the...
After 5 weeks in my new house I have finally remembered to put the rubbish out :o) Last place I lived had communal bins so I could put it out any day! So its taken time getting use to putting it out...
Hormonal, upset, angry, sad, depressed, confused, pitiful!!! Ok I admit the first one pretty much covers it all lol but I am feeling in a right f*cked off tearful mood :o( I've just spend the day with...
I've just taken some pics of my son & his friend, then his friend took some of us, at which point my son says 'great, I have new pics for my msn', me- 'aww your gonna have a pic with your mum on msn'...
Whats everyone up to today? The sun is shining & it seems quite warm outside! Its my eldest sons 13th birthday today :o) yeap I have a teenager in the house now, scary stuff lol We're going to his...
That there isn't much X-factor talk tonight! I'd have thought something as sad as talking of x factor would be right on top!! lol Anyway I'm stunned!! so much so, I may boycott next week & actually go...
Does anyone know what a gambole is? Its a word I've grown up with & presumed it was universal. But I've just read that apparently it is only a brummie (Birmingham) saying! So has anyone else here...
Ah sod it I'm not waiting any longer i'm starting my weekend now, I haven't slept all night, I've spent the last 4 days cleaning my house from top to bottom after neglecting it all summer (admittedly...
I had to see an ear, nose & throat specialist last week after a recent MRI scan showed that I still have adenoids, according to the doctor it was just a freak thing that I had them still as they...
Just been sitting here for the past hour waiting for an answer to my Q in motoring...would help if I'd remembered to post the Q first d'oh There really is no hope for me LOL