Christmas crossword requires two grids to be completed with answers to clues. Hence there are no letters provided except the starting letter. Round in a flash B (4,9) Together, in company, in the past...
16A Devices for copying or enlarging maps (9) _I_G_A_H_ Assumedly -I-graphs, but the only word I can find which meets the definition is pantograph - no fit! 42A Intercalary month of the Jewish...
Time to get in the festive mode again - season's greetings everyone !
Help would be much appreciated please D A beaked galley or Viking ship of war (5) E Bitter vetch (3) F The playground of the Big Apple’s wealthiest families (5,6) H A tetramerous plant of the...
46a Weird additional turn taken by party line (7)
36a Probably I had always made room for God (1,4,3)
37d Make a fuss so we move to a main area (6,3)
Thanks in advance...
apologies for using the times Our newsagent gives it away for free 31d stringed indtrument V???? / ?A?O?E (2 words) 45a tropical bug L??? /INSECT (2 words) is it leaf insect? thanks for some help...