Weather permitting, a pastime for Aussie children to practise (8)
It sounds an acquired fake malady at the celebration (9)
Any clues woul be gratefully received...
Clues lead to three definitions and may contain homophone definitions 20. EQUI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ROMA_ _ _ P_ROT__ ...'Finlandia' ('Near it'), 'The.... Many thanks for any hints or suggestions...
Happy New Year to all! Going over my puzzle, but have doubts about the following: 20(A), 21(B), 33(B). Some help/confirmation with parsing, please! Many thanks in advance! (A)_ QUI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... Good evening, Neveracrossword, had great fun with the Charity Christmas Puzzle 2020. Got the theme very early in the game, so I have the beginning letter of each word. One...
Please can you help with the following Cryptic clues anagrams and general knowledge that lead to the title of a film that has won an Oscar for their music. 9. Ack or pip 32.Egypt 78. Ne me quitte pas...
Hello - I need clues for a couple of the pictures in this quiz please . Can anyone let me know the brand of shoe in picture Number 30 and the place in the outline in picture 69. In addition I need a...
1 Open and honest. Percy Thrower was definitely one. 2 Soap character annoyingly would get on this (more than once) 3 He's not been here long but he's not sick of honey producer 4 He's usually with...
All answers are numbers 47) What number bus did Brian Reader catch first? 50) You would definitely win a staring contest with this US rock band 67) What winning year is controversially missing from...
Struggling on last 4. Think my mind has gone blank. Clues would be greatly appreciated. 7 Be superior to XLIX (7) 11 Old English human being (5) Nosey seeker of information (6) 32 Primate by stream...
Been waiting to ask 4 questions on here. Stuck on 5. No through road(7,3). 9. Plant, crease (7, 4). 12. Is this needed to catch a mackerel, plus a valley (10) 29. It starts at Sowerby bridge on...