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Well it's a bit chillier this morning isn't it! Think those few gorgeous days have spoilt us lol. Still dry and hazy but definitely much cooler. Later on today I'm dropping my iPad off to be... ...
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A good friend of mine trades on Amazon, has done for about 2 years and has worked really really hard to build his account up. Then last week out of the blue they said they were suspending his A/C... ...
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What a beautiful morning! Bright sunshine, with a slight breeze. The washing line is just begging for me to put something new on it lol! Have decided that today I am finally going to ask the guy... ...
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And the sun is shining again! Best be careful as I could get used to this lol. Quite a busy day ahead - work this morning, then a break for a couple of hours why I go and do the shopping with my... ...
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Good morning! Up early today,cats  fed, washing machine on, quick cup of tea whilst walking round garden. Lovely and bright, and it doesn't actually feel cold either. I could get used to this dry... ...
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And it's dry outside again with the sun hinting that it may join us for the day! That's all we need - a good few days of dry weather & sunshine to perk us all up! Yesterday morning I put a whole... ...
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I was up at 5.15am (the 1st time!) but thought it might be a tad too early to post as nobody would reply! So did a few jobs etc, went back to bed for an hour and lost track of time! 
Bright blue... ...
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Got home bout 10.45 pm last night after our weekend in Portugal. Despite being very early in the year it was still a very lovely 16/17 degrees(with a few showers) but felt  much warmer & yesterday... ...
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 I am so excited!! Todays the day, well, almost lol. This afternoon we go to stay at the hotel at Gatwick, ahead of our flight tomorrow. Yes it's mad to go to Portugal for just the weekend, as... ...
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Busy here sorting last min bits n pieces before we go away tomorrow, and are back Sunday. Really looking forward to it! We both really need a break, and though it's only a couple if days just the... ...
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Hope we all had a good sleep,lastnight? Think I got about 3 hrs which is about average. Busy day ahead again -:I've got to pick up a couple of parcels, drop several off.... then double checking... ...
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Well up until about half hour ago it was absolutely hammering it down with rain & I just thought oh god I've got to go out in this today, but it's eased quite a bit in last half hr so fingers... ...
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God no wonder I'm so so shattered! Sooo, decided to go up to bed bout 11pm lastnight and read/play a word game that I like on my iPad. After quite a while I noticed that it wasn't charging, infact... ...
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Sorry I've not been on for a few days - it's just been one thing after another resulting in no sleep & splitting headache for days, am on the up tho. Hope you've all been behaving, did I miss... ...
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A very cold but bright one here. Had a very unsettled nights sleep - kept having bad dreams. Really vivid ones, and whilst not quite nightmares they weren't very nice. Don't know why . Have woken... ...
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Did one about 8.30am, double checked and it was def there. Then looked later and it had vanished!! How strange! Oh well......... looks like it will have to be an afternoon one lol. What are we all... ...
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Forgot to plug iPad into charger lastnight so was flat this morn when I went to post..... have had to wait for it to come to life to post this lol. Woke up to MrSmow saying Happy Valentines, which... ...
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Hope everyone is ok this morning? Still not fully light, and looks pretty grey n damp, but at least it's not raining! 
YoungSmows birthday card to MrSmow arrived yesterday, even though he had paid... ...
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Yet another dull, damp, great morning...... come on sunshine, where are you?? 
what's everybody got planned for today? I've got quite a lot of orders to process then think I'm going to take it easy... ...
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Good morning - my body clock is still all over the place, as you can see. Most odd. Oh well lol. Another dark and grey day here. Really miserable. Keep saying to myself that it will brighten up... ...

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