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Ive had a bad headache since last night, pain is in right eye and temple. have taken Nurofen,Co-codamol and nothig is touching it. Whats the best thing to take for this type of headache? Its throbbing...
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Just wondered how the toothache was going hun??
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Anybody ever been to either of these places in August? What was the weather like? And do you know of any decent hotels? TIA
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After EIGHT years chasing CSA for my son's father to pay towards him, and with me endlessly calling them to tell them that yes he is on benefits but yes he also works full time cash in hand, and even...
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Do you not think this is getting a bit silly now? Totally unrealistic now.
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Rowanwitch helped me last time but dont know if she is about. Amaryllis that was almost dead - have followed her advice and now has 3 bright green leaves, two are about 8/9 inches long and one is over...
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When I was very little my mum taught me to knit -she was incredibly good at it. By the time I was a teenanger I was also very good and could knit the most complex of patterns which I was very proud...
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Doctor says to apply it to eyelids for at least 7 days. Leaflet inside packaging says do not apply to face for more than 5 days. Which one is right?? Cant get thru to doc so just thought I would ask...
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1. I have my health (well its not bad lol) 2. I have 4 lovely healthy children 3.I have a husband I love. 4.I have a job( I hate it but its a job) 5.I have a nice home and a nice car. 6.This week I...
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He has prescribed me Mometasone crm 0.1% and Flucloxacillin as he says behind my ears is infected as well. I knew that as can feel it weeping behind one of them. So hopefully this lot will do the...
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My hubby had, or has, an ipod. Then he bought an ifone. when he connected it to his itunes account it synched all the apps from the ipod to the ifone, which was fine. He now wants to give me the...
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Mt friend ran the marathon this morning....following with the Twix next weekend and the Mars the week after......
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Daughter bought a kitten, called it Looby. Has had it for a couple of months now. Just txt me to say that she was tickling Loobys tummy and realised that Looby has developed a couple of extra items in...
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Why oh why do they still not have the technology still to confirm whether a ball has gone over the line into the net, whether its a hand ball etc, when they have it in so many other sports, especially...
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Can you put it on eyelids? They are still raw and so sore after reaction to hair dye and nothing else seems to be soothing them.
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Remember a while ago I tild you that my son's gf was pregnant and i was so shocked? Well she went into labour early and gave birth to a small but beautiful little girl yesterday! She is absolutely...
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Ok, I used to live in the road next to her so I knew her as she used to be pre-surgery, which is NOTHING like she looks now. She was a pretty girl. But now I have yet to meet a sinle guy who says she...
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Shall i say or not? It may be total poop. Pretty obvious though.
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Years ago I reacted badly to a home hair dye kit. left if for a few years, tentatively started trying the quickest ones again - ie the ones that you only leave on for ten mins. All i got was an itchy...
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What has been your biggest waste of money ever? Either a purchase, experience, whatever, but you seriously wish you had just not bothered with it and had saved the money.

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