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Did you see the photo of Carol Vorderman in the Daily Mail today Saturday? You can't tell me she hasn't had work done on her face, I hardly recognised her, her cheeks look positively chiselled.
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How can I remove them? Thanks
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Going on a cruise around the Med -- anything we must see in these places on day trips? We usually take an open top bus, would this cover everything ? And what weather should we expect in late May ?
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Do you like to answer questions on AB where there haven't been any answers yet, where there have just been three or four, or do you answer where there have been loads and loads of answers?
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I am going abroad in May and my legs look like a chicken. Can someone recommend a good fake tan for my legs and possibly everywhere else, that won't streak under the feet ? Thanks !!
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Can someone recommend a long lasting eye pencil, nice and soft so not very much pressure to apply, and Hypoallergenic? Thanks !!
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Could someone recommend a good restaurant near Kingston on Thames, Cobham, Esher etc for Saturday lunch? English or Italian Please, many thanks !
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I bought my quota of ISAs for the year, in June 2005, with Halifax. After April 5 2006 I want to buy some more. Do I have to stick with the Halifax, or can I go elsewhere, and leave the Halifax ones...
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I have an email to say I have an answer, it says on the thread I have '1 answer' but when I go to view it, it says No Answers at Present - help !
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Where is the best place to look for a job as a primary school teacher? Would it be Times Educational Supplement, local paper, council websites? Thanks
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Can anyone recommend a nice restaurant for a lunch time meal on Saturday, Plain English Cooking or Italian, near Cobham, Ripley, Kingston Surrey area? Thanks.
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Don't you find squinty eyed Nadine Maggott and her awful pentapeptides really irritating?
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So who is the A List Hollywood Star accused of a lewd act in front of a masseuse at St Andrews??
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Has anyone had any injection treatment like liposuction, for puffy under eyes? It is a course of four injections under the eyes and permanently erases puffines. Thanks
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Ideas on clothes for a cruise around the Med in late May please. Daytime clothes more of a worry than evening. Thanks.
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I bought some cut flowers today and also have a new hyacinth plant in my front room, which smells strong. Could these be making my eyes sore?
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Can anyone recommend a good beauty clinic or therapist, I want to treat myself to a facial. I live near Kingston in Surrey.
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Around a month ago I had an operation on ligaments in my thumb and the scar is quite sore, and it is a bit painful inside the area as well. It does not look like the area is infected, it is quite red...
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Can you recommend a nice perfume for my mum? She is 90 on Tuesday and usually wears overpowering stuff, I have to open the car window to get the smell out. Something nice and light please.
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How long does it take to post a parcel to USA or Germany, airmail? What I mean is, when should it arrive? (I know how long it takes to go to the Post Office ...)

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