I've posted enough about her on here, so you guys probably know about her, but I'll add some detail for those who haven't seen my other posts. My aunt moved into my house a couple of months ago.... ...
Incase you forgot Katie is the one who hasn't bothered with me since she moved in with her partner. I don't know weather to do something with them for my birthday as I'm just thinking what to do... ...
My aunt moved in with me a couple of months ago. My mom, and her haven't been getting along. Every time my moms comes to visit, or almost everytime, they are kind of nasty to each other. My aunt... ...
Looking for a soft mattress, soft support (not soft fabric!). Cheapest I could find down town, £369.99. Not tragic, but there's at least a week's wait for delivery and I've been served a section... ...
Apart from little Teddy Magic. There was one 'act' I just cannot conceive how this got through to actual television, it was disgusting. If you watched it you will know what I mean. And this... ...
Sometimes flash green, both of them in two separate rooms, is this ok? One of them was very hot when I took it out of the wall, seems dangerous to me. And do I need to somehow stop the flashing?... ...
I record everything, firstly so I can zoom through the adverts and secondly so that I can zoom through the waffle that forms part of so many quiz shows now. The worst offenders for me are... ...
I have been using a Vileda Magic mop with refills for years, but the refills are useless, the sponges keep falling off... can someone recommend a mop please for my kitchen floor?? Tia.
I’m a nurse at psych facility in the U.S. A patient gave me a note that says the following: I’m in Bible study, thinking of you because you are similar to him in your understanding of healing and... ...
The Martin Lewis money show. I dont watch it, but caught part of it last night. How did I catch part of it? I heard this hysterical screaming and shouting, people standing up waving their arms... ...
Thanks to those who recommended this. I've watched a couple of episodes and I'm enjoying it. Anna Maxwell Martin's presence in the lead role was a nice surprise. A... ...
Silly me in my spam folder then realised what l had done. When l clicked on it, it said Server not found. Deleted all my history and can't see anything suspicious this morning. Does this mean... ...
Further to my previous question. I have changed my BT email password on my iPad and all ok. However trying to open email on my phone and it says Session expired please log in again. I can see my... ...