when painting a room i always manage to get paint on the walls whilst painting the skirting boards etc. does any1 have any tips that they use to prevent this? also im doing my daughters room in 2...
what is the correct etiquette on the following? if you go to a couple's house for dinner ie neighbours and another couple who you meet and get along with are there,if you want to invite then round to...
I have had a reddish rash around my neck for months.It doesn't itch or anything, its just unsightly and annoying.The doc has given me anti histamines and 4 different creams but its still there. Any...
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/mar/27/us a hmm i think this has got to be a wind up. yes it may well be possible under some circumstances, but in this instance Id say its a fake. what does...
what is ............................................. ........... your .................................................................... favourite movie of all time ?
I started on AB on 26 Nov 2005 (*what*) posted 141 Q's and 3340 answers. I was previously Buddy -if anyone remembers me as that- until Stevie-c-2it got me banned by inadvertantly baiting me-and me...
Now go away and let us all play nicely on here. But I suppose you will be back with a few of your mates later. Shame that I wont be here wont it,never mind I am sure there must be others you can show...
I am 7 months pregnant and bought a king prawn sandwich at marks and spencers on fri 1st feb this year, i was eating it and thought it tasted yukky (at 7months pregnant everything tastes a bit...
please take the time to read the response on this thread by zimzam (not zigzag i hasten to add as they do not get this nasty) , appalling , the ed has an uphill task with that looney tune...