10a Province of the Irish Republic (9,319 sq miles; pop around 1 million) (7) M-N---R 8d Soldiers of the 7th Armoured Division with service in north Africa (1941-42) (6,4) R-----/--T-
20a Hyena-like South African carnivores (10) -A---O-V-S 27a A genus of needle-fish (6) -E---E 28a Wipe out, especially through a sinking-fund (8) A-O-T---
last two 29a a low-churchman(abbrev) (3) S-M 34a a river of eastern Turkey, rising in Armenia and flowing 566 miles into the Caspian Sea(5) A-A-S Thanx
15d A horizontal piece of timber at or near the feet of a pair of rafters (6-4) H-----/B-A- 16d A contemptuous name for apparatus, equipment, vehicle, etc (6-4) R-----/T-A- 25d Member of a Tartar...
2d West coast village where Prince Charles Edward Stewart landed in 1745 (7) A------ 4d To swell, or stretch in three dimension (7) D------ 19d To be negligent of inactive (7) ------R
15a Eulogy or commendation (7) -C-L-I- 24a Proceeded from some source (8) -M-----D 4d Church-officers attendant on ministers (7) -A-D-E- 14d Person from major port, the second most important town in...
5a A Goblin in Scottish Castle (3-3) -E-/--- 12a Notorious or rascally (6) -R-A-- 17a A large duck found on the seacoast (8) ---G--O-- 25a A weight of 25 pound or more, used in Spain and Portugal (6)...