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Do any of you have silly nicknames for your pets?I call my cat purdily wumbler (when hes on my knee purring!) I call my dogs  mrs pobble wobble and wuffity muppet.I know i`m bonkers!
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What is the scariest horror film ever made? Im not talking about special effects here, I mean 'Hiding behind the sofa' scary. And what makes a good scary horror film in your opinion?
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Does anyone else think the soaps have gone right downhill?  we all know Eastenders has been in trouble for a while now but the whole alfie little mo kat storyline recently,pleasssse and in corrie...
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Mine does,  he eats: Cheese, Butter, kebabCottage Cheese, Fruitcake, Rice pudding, Ready brek (sp?), Whipped cream and some other weird things like paper.

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