Hi, has anyone looked at the £100 crossword in the Scottish Sunday Mail magazine? There seems to be a few of the squares missing in the grid. Does anyone know what is happening?
1 across earth c???b?r
13 down left alone ?n?t?e???d
28 down assembly m???r?g
37 across find faults with r?p???e??
60 down get by threat e??o??
77 across adaptable v?r?a?i?e...
Don't know what has happened to this site but hopefully my question will get posted okay. 10d trudge along when heavily laden - Y??P I have psychiatrist for 9a which gives me the Y and capsicum for...
7d bend, curve T?O?T (if 19a is revolt - clue is repel or could it be resist - that would make 7d twist) 54a Two-time F1 champion - ?I? C?A?L 115d Alluring woman? ?A?P Any help greatly appreciated....