Recently my forehead has started to hurt a lot, it come at random times and the pain is near the eyebrow area in the middle though ( at the top of my nose), when the pain comes i can't read, and the...
Im considering training to be a dentist, from what I've found out i'll need to do 2 years of Science A-Levels followed by another 5 years in university before im earning anything! Then have to face a...
Can anybody please tell me a website where I can find healthy food recipies. But (the tricky part) without ANY fruit or veg, i dislike most fruits (including apples,grapes,plums) and only like carrots...
some days back i saw a dog on tv in an advertisement it had lots of rinkle all over his body he was sweet i'm looking for a pet and i think i found it but i dont know which breed is it can someone...
Now moving to new home with a large lawn, have to get a new better petrol mower, but grass cutting will be plentyful....any help with what to do with them... compost and how?...take to...
I have a wife and two young children, (5 & 3) We would like to get a dog as a family pet, we would like to get a puppy so as to train him and get him used to family life from a young age. The...
Hello everyone, can someone please tell me what has happened to the underskirt (petticoat). This beautiful item of female attire seems to have all but disappeared from the modern woman's...
I'm trying to locate a couple, good friends whom I've lost touch with. I have their first names and last name. All I know is that they moved to Yorkshire. Don't know if its North, West, South or just...
Any ideas what could cause a person to suddenly experience a bad smell, which seems to be coming from themselves? No jokes please, this is a serious worry, seems to get worse when bending down, as if...
I'd like to get a couple of light plastic sunloungers, the sort you get by hotel pools in the med. The crucial thing is that the back folds down flat. Any ideas? Thanks.
PLEASE HELP! I don`t know if this is the correct site but could someone tell me if it`s "I`m bored OF it " or "I`m bored WITH it" ? I think it`s the second option, Thanks
As most of you know, my wife and I recently moved from the US. Unfotunately, we had to leave our dog and cat with my parents. The plan was to fly them over here at some point, but at this...
How long to chick peas 'keep' for? I soaked them overnight Saturday and cooked them yesterday morning - when should I stop eating them (I kind of overdid it!)
Does anyone out there no of any good creams or treatments you can have done to get rid of those jowelly bits a loose skin you get under the chin when you reach your fifties. I tried one treatment...
I have high blood pressure and am managing quite well except when I want to eat a poached or boiled egg - there is no substitute for salt - I have tried LoSalt but need to put loads on for any taste...