27across (8)
Victorian novel Conrad frequently reinvented (8)
(ORD from Conrad frequently if I'm thinking on right track)
Last one! Help appreciated!...
Hi all - have almost finished with more than a bit of help from you Answerbankers! I am struggling with the C clue (4,2,4) Overturned output of substantial UAE factories I have ---E/--/-A-T but this...
Have seen other posts on the u clued words - which suggest the theme word nay be 'black'. Has anyone got the 10 down unload exception which is a cryptic representation (for black?). It is3 words...
Struggling with 3 now - and not sure if these are themed ones but on the basis I don't seem to have used all 26 letters! Here goes: 7d Caesar's big ice cream. (6) I have M - G - - - (mega ??) 16...
Last moment in episode with leaders in historic hostilities, once in control, retreating (8,4)
So far I have. -L---N--/-O-R.
Any help appreciated...
Last 2 - and struggling
LH grid 25 across
Both themed I think
Composer to sit back absorbing everything
LH grid 20 down
Group of birds at bay, unknown
Thank you!...
Means to get into the drink 6&6 ??t?l? ??????
Priest to escape first movement 7 ????u??
Have faith but model will decay 5 ????t
Rubbish piled up on wharf in Devon 7 ???????
Thank you...
Post election torpor.
24ac 9,6,16 usually first in a haunt of vice (5) - u - e -
19 dn tick on list we hear 9,6, 16 (7) - - - k - o -
Any help appreciated....
Hi, is it possible to utilize a spare SKY+ HD box to watch and control my already installed Sky+ HD in another room without paying for multi-room and without running cables between the two? I know...