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What if.... It would be good to have our life to live backwards. You start out dead and get it out of the way. Then, you wake up in an old age home feeling better every day. You get kicked out for...
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how many phrases and sayings do you use when talking to someone insted of using the "queens" english
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confusion here! what is an agonist?
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Does anyone know if 'phone numbers are re-used? Ive just got a new account/new number with BT. Im ex-directory and have so far only given the new number to about 6 people. Earlier this evening I've...
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My wife has started using a system of blue jobs / pink jobs ... changing a bulb = blue job ... tending to house plants = pink job get the idea ... anyone else use it ?
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Does anyone have a really strong dislike of something weird? Personally, if I am in a room and someone is snoring (or even if it is on TV) I have to leave the room! Also I feel physically sick at the...
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or "tit tape" as it's most commonly known? Does anyone know if it works and where can you buy it from? thanks
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Desperately trying to think of the name of a pre Head&Shoulders dandruff shampoo - it was an amber colour and around in the seventies. I know ABers will save the day!!
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when on holiday in spain we heard a very cheesey spanish song that had a part in it that just went "si si si (summat in spanish) no no no" does anyone have any idea what song it is?
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Me and my GF are going travelling soon, when ever we go she get a bad stomach, is there anything we can buy or get from the doctor to combat this?
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At my school we are planning to do a fashion show to raise money for Africa! About 2 years ago the 6th formers did a fashion show for their Business Studies Course... we are trying to think of things...
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Do either of the above interfer with the pill ? Thanks
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hi im just wondering, does anyone else find that they kill threads? there could be 20 answers and i put one down then nothing. i should maybe start ending my replies with .. i'll get me coat
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what accents / sayings do u say? that no other town/county says ? e.g rugeleyboy pointed out earlier stokeys (where im from) say! cheps instead of chips which is very true! got some cheps wrapped up...
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How accurate are those ideal weight charts? I am 5ft 1" and weigh 9 stone and all the charts I have come across say I am overweight yet to look at me I dont think I am. I have a good pair of...
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I was wondering whats the weirdest or most disgusting thing you've found in the shop that a lovely customer has left? Also whats the weirdest customer you have had in, or a weird request by someone? I...
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On countless TV shows and movies when kids are in class and the bell rings they pack up their books and run out of the class as quick as lightning. The teachers says something like "And don't forget...
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Hi everyone! On JK Rowlings website, in the rubbish bin, on the bottum of the page there is a riddle (reconstructing a sentence). My friens and me, we tried to solve it, but couldn't. I hope somebody...
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I have just been out for lunch and saw a little girl and boy playing on some rocks - the girl was calling 'I'm the king of the castle, and you're the dirty rascal'. I haven't heard that since I was a...
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HELP! My mother has just rang me and gone mental as the ansafone kicked in when she tried earlier and apparently my b/f has put a msg on there that I have got to remove!! And I know Im expecting a...

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