Saw a film a while back where a man is in an airport and has a chance meeting with a woman whilst he`s waiting for his son to arrive. Time passes and a few years later he meets her again (thing she`s...
10. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors to play English characters. Watching Andie Macdowell attempt...
Bob Knows Everybody Bob and his friend are sitting in their deck-chairs admiring the sunset. Bob has a proud smile on his face when he says, "You know, I don't think there's anyone on this planet...
i called a friend today, he said my call to him is free, i dont believe this, i am on monthly contract, he is o2 pay as you go. i emailed 3 mobile but still no reply, i dont believe for 1 minute that...
My grand-daughter (17yrs and 7 months/still at school doing A levels) has just started working for a shoe chain. She is supposed to work 4 hours on a Sunday at £4.95 per hour but found on her...
Does any abbers know what i put in my reference list if i use the following link for my assignment i do have the cite it rite book but cant find a section...
My favorite advert is the one for plastic windows.... you know....... "BUY ONE GET ONE FREE, I SAID BUY ONE GET ONE FREE" .My wife can't stand the sight of him.
1 rivytaslice 2 words and a biscuit
2 tingekerrpainsgo 3 words biscuit
3pinglesgissy 2 words
5 wakesqullabeers 2 words tray bake
6 latetimepingerschopcoperfn 3 words tray bake...
I currently work as an art technician at a local secondary school.....i'm signed off sick at the moment (domestic stress). I'm also graduating this year from my Art Degree. I'm a little confused about...