How exactly does this work? Im assuming that there isn't a public viewing list to alert a suspect that he/she's a suspect, But then does this mean that a person could be at the airport about to go on...
Usually after a big win they say to the papers that they will be talking to them after the "Security checks" Now apart for the obvious one of checking the serial numer on the ticket etc.......
Can we expect to see this guy mauled and dead soon as we usually hear when the animals insticts kick in?
Im guessing hungover in their beds or getting aquainted with shoulder barges and elbow digs at the sales, If your reading this then i assume your doing neither, So what are you doing today and does it...
has anyone got the name of these little brown patties that had a filling came with a tub of sauce and was sold in asda in a pack of 5-6 it began with the letter "E" epinada's or something?...
If you have'nt seen it then tune in for 10 minutes after that you will not be able top change over as it is truly one of the most funniest films EVER i kid you not!
Whoever's reporting cant we just have a break from it till the new year? Its a time of goodwill and happiness so lets just leave it out and try and get along ok? Cheers. Your eternal friend....
How many different types of hangover is there?
At the moment ive got the one where i haven't got a headache but i feel really lightheaded and my stomach feels like im going to chuck at any moment!...
Ive recently come to notice that peace and harmony seems to be enveloping everyone in a forcefield like bubble, smiles on everyones faces, children playing in the street, the stray dog that usually...