My foot measures about 20cm from heel to big toe (yerp i know tiny), is it safe to buy a pair of UGG boots austrailian size 5? Im just not sure how the conversions work etc. Thanks a million x Jacey
i have a 2000 v plate 1.8 petrol mitsubishi pinnin, it has covered 90k with f.s.h. the problem is when approching juntions/roundabouts etc... it cuts out. it always starts again immediatly and drives...
I have had 3 cold sores in the last 6 weeks. I haven't been ill, in the sun or done anything unusual to make me stressed. Anybody any ideas as to why ?
I have been informed an executor has submited a bill for a hamburger and chips (3.00 approx per time) :-)) fat pig she is too. Traveling she has asked for 3 pounds per mile (she lives over 100 miles...
Firstly hello to you all again, I haven't been on here for a long time now. Basically, my partner stood guarantor on a loan to a "friend" he has known for 20 years. She told him the loan was to help...
Hey guys, I am really stuck on this one and need your advice. I have been in the same relationship for four years and my partner and have a child together. He would love more children but I am unsure...
I didnt think that i would get to attached to my boyfriend after we had sex. I didnt want to, but i have and it scares me. Now when he talks to other girls i get really mad and i hate that. All the...
I am claiming insolvency on a tax owed due to a repossession of a house. I filed bankrupcy on the house in 2002 and in 2004. $30,000 of income showed up on my taxes. I am now being taxed for this and...
Thank you guys for all your kind answers re me being on the missing list for a while. Am slowly getting my **** together again. I just wanted to mention that the lovely weather has cheered...
3 men have lunch which comes to ?30. They each give ?10 to the waiter who, at the till, realises the bill should be ?25, not ?30. Taking ?5 for change, he trousers ?2 himself and gives ?1 to each of...
Did anyone do this pathetic quiz on saturday night. I started so I finished-but god it went on and on. I was truly disappointed to find out I was 6 years older than my real age. ...
I missed the whole thing. Spent most of my weekend in a drunken stupor. If I did watch any of it, I can't remember. Very annoyed as I wanted to see the mighty Floyd. Does anyone know if it is to...
I have a W reg, 2000 model of the Fiat Punto 1900 JTD HLX. I have taken it on a round trip of approx 75 miles today, returned home, left the car for a couple of hours before going back out again...
Well just thought I would update all you helpful ABers. My post a while ago asked for advice re stepkids visiting for the weekend having not seen them for a while. It was fine as far as it went. The...
Basically to cut a long story short, on the 21st June.. 3 separate payments were taken out of my account, all at the same time: ?12.49, ?12.49 and ?329.98. I know nothing about these payments,...
I am currently deciding on changing cars, I have a 2001 Golf 2.0 GTi 56K FVWSH excellent condition, I am considering changing to a BMW 325ti Sport 03 reg 20K for ?15k from a Main Dealer. A few of...
Does this happen to you? I have a brief thought about someone I havent seen for ages (sometimes years) and see them the next day Sometimes I know who is ringing before I answer There are other...